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2024  Tryouts


Are you interested in being a member of the 2024-2025 APDD Company Team?! Every year students and teachers work very hard to compete in the spring.  Below you will find basic information about our contest teams and what will be required of you if you decide to try out.


Competitive teams offered 2024 – 2025

  • Lyrical Team 

  • Hip Hop Team

  • Jazz Team

  • Please understand that not every team may make. Teams are created by skill, level, and interest (number of students) 

  • These are not official team names. Team names will be assigned after tryouts!


When signing up please let us know what you would like tryout for! Levels (Tiny/Mini/Jr/Jv/Varsity) will be considered during tryouts! We need to know what genres of dance you are open to, or if you are only interested in ONE dance such as hip hop. Please understand that it is very difficult to make a "Jazz" team if you have never had any Jazz training! 


Tuition rates:

Tuition is $55 for one hour a week (One team - 1 dance)

Tuition is $90 for one hour and 45 minutes - (2 teams - Hip hop & Lyrical, or Hip Hop and Jazz) 2 dances 

Tuition is $120 for 3 dances 2.5 hrs or 3 classes


Being on a contest team is not only a big responsibility and dedication for the student, but for the entire family as well.  Being on a contest team is a big financial responsibility that should be considered before signing up or trying out. Each Company Team member will be required to sign up for 1 hour of master classes per month, 2 hours will be offered once a month with varying genres. 1 hour is $25 and 2 hours are $40. Company Team classes will mainly work on their choreography for competition as well as specific tricks in their dance. However, a competition dancer should be well rounded and continue learning and bettering their technique as much as possible! Private lessons are also available year round to competition students if they are falling behind or need some extra help! Private lessons are $35/hr or $30/45mins.


Our contest teams travel to one competition per year, and solos/duets are offered a second optional competition. Team dance prices from last year (could be slightly different any year the competition changes its prices). I team dance $80, 2 team dances $120, 3 team dances $160. Solos were around $150-$160 and duets were $80-$100/dancer. 


We have had many payments fall behind last season, and will no longer be able to keep the student in class if costumes and competition fees are not paid on time. Please consider the financial responsibility that being on a competition team entails. 



Upcoming MANDATORY Dates ​

  • Optional (but very helpful) Tryout PREP Class 

    • Wednesday ​June 26th 5:30-6:30PM - $20

      • Learn specific moves that will be performed at tryouts. Receive specific instructions on what the judges are looking for​

  • July 1 (MONDAY) – TRYOUT 2 $5

    • 5:30pm at APDD

    • Must Wear All Black, Hair pulled back (Your choice), Make-up and APDD earrings are required! We do have more earrings available for purchase! 

    • Tryout will consist of: 10 minute stretch, a combination taught at tryouts including the technique and tricks provided at the optional prep class, a free style/improv section to show off your individual talents/tricks. You will perform the combination and improv section with a group (not all by yourself). Groups will go in order from youngest to oldest

    • PLEASE READ below tryout information carefully

  • 2024-2025 TEAMS ANNOUNCED- Mrs Abbey will send you the link​

    • Saturday July 6th ​

  • MANDATORY New Team Meeting - TBA

    • Student(s) and Parent REQUIRED TO COME

    • $100 due for ALL students-NO exceptions! This is for Summer Company Camps 

    • $30 for foot undeez If you do not already have a pair or need a new pair! 

    • Please bring your planner or calendar to the meeting!!

    • We will be getting a few new warm-up pieces this year! Jacket, Co duffel bags, hanging bags, water bottles, make up, and tank tops will be the same as last year. Returning members, please budget for t-shirt, and pants! New members should budget around ~$300 if you do not already have ANY of these items. Hanging bags, water bottles, and APDD make-up can be budgeted out, as these are always available to non-competitive students as well. 




A $5 tryout fee is required to tryout as well as a parent signature. Our first tryout is Wednesday June 19th from 5:00pm- approximately 6:30. Our tryout will start promptly at 5:00pm, the studio will be open as early as 4:30pm to come in and sign up and put your number on. On the day of tryouts, students will learn several 8 counts of choreography and perform in front of a panel of judges. Students will perform with a group, not by themselves. Students MUST wear all black tight fitting clothes to tryouts (the leo from finale is a great option). MUST bring ALL dance shoes + sneakers. MUST wear performance make-up and studio earrings.  Failure to do so will result in a deduction in your score!!!! Yes we have extra earrings. What you wear to auditions says a lot about how you will follow directions during the year. Remember appearance is a part of your score!! You will be judged based on your ability to learn choreography, the skills that you have already mastered, and your potential to master other skills.  This is an audition. Your acceptance will also reflect your attitude and respect during tryouts. Smiling and looking excited says a lot about your determination to make the team! There should be no attitudes, chit-chatting, goofing off, or horse play during tryouts or you will be asked to leave. Once everyone has tried out, the scores will be tallied, and the results will be posted online.




Click below to pay your $5 tryout fee online now!! For 2-3 students please change the item number when checking out. 


$5 - one student <Click Here



*Please email or text us this information with your payment:

1. Student Name:

2. Parent Name:

3. Student Age (As of June 1st 2024):

4. Student Birthday:

5. Student Grade ('24-'25):

6. Genre(s) or team (listed above) that you would like to tryout for: 





THANK YOU!!! We are so excited that you have decided to join us for tryouts this year!!!



Summer 2022 Hours



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A P Dance Dimensions

1610 North LaSalle St

Navasota, TX 77868


Tel: 936-825-0826


© 20203 by THE GYM. Proudly created with

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